Pregnancy is both a phenomenal blessing AND a phenomenal stress on a woman’s body. Expectant mothers have new and unusual pressures on their bodies, with the combination of increased weight, changed centre of gravity, increased laxity in ligaments and fluid retention placing extra stress on the hips, pelvis and spinal column.
Osteopathy during pregnancy is not looking for a quick fix, but it can be very beneficial through the duration of the pregnancy, helping the mother to adjust to the continual changes her body undergoes as the foetus develops.
Pregnancy places a great deal of strain on a woman’s body, particularly the back and the pelvic region, and although there is often an expectation that pregnancy will be uncomfortable for you, ongoing back and pelvic pain should not be something you simply put up with.
Whole Health Osteopathy has decades of combined clinical experience treating and managing women through their pregnancies and supporting their post-natal care. We offer treatment through the use of specialised pregnancy pillows, so you can even lie face down comfortably and safely.
Osteopathy may assist you with the diagnosis, treatment or management of common pain complaints.
Lower back and buttock pain
Sciatica (pain down the leg)
Neck, shoulder and mid back pain
Groin pain or discomfort
Discomfort whilst sleeping
Pelvic Instability Syndrome
Sacroiliac joint pain (SIJ pain)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Pelvic floor weakness or incontinence.
At Whole Health Osteo, we work with women across all trimesters of pregnancy to prepare their body for labour and birth. We can:
Carry out a thorough assessment to identify any musculoskeletal or postural issues
Develop a management plan that consists of manual therapy and exercise to prepare your body for labour and birth
Provide individualised treatment that encourages movement and reduces pain and tension during pregnancy
Provide specific exercise, positioning and postural advice to aid with comfort and reduce postural fatigue
Liaise with your midwife, obstetrician or GP and provide appropriate referral, if necessary
After the birth of your baby, your body may need some time to recover. Your osteopath will take a health history to identify any post-partum complications such as post-natal depression, pelvic floor conditions, mastitis or breastfeeding issues. Osteopaths trained in pelvic floor screening may provide an external physical examination of the pelvic floor. They may be able to provide treatment for some of these conditions or appropriate referral to another health professional for more specific diagnosis and treatment.ce.