1 September 2022
2022 Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard
Activity is now seen as key to relief from low back pain
Australia has a new clinical care standard for low back pain, a condition that affects one in six Australians and is a leading cause of lost work productivity and early retirement.
Developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard recommends active approaches and individualised care to support the millions of Australians with low back pain.
Low back pain affects one in six Australians and is a leading cause of lost work productivity and early retirement.
The new standard provides a road map for healthcare practitioners to help patients manage low back pain episodes early and reduce their chance of ongoing problems.
Most people will experience low back pain at some point in their life. Back problems are one of the most common reasons Australians visit their GP or present to the emergency department.
While back pain can sometimes have a serious cause, the vast majority of people can improve their pain with simple measures. Interventions such as imaging and high-risk medicines can usually be avoided.
The vast majority of people can improve their pain with simple measures.
The Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard will improve the early assessment and management of patients with low back pain so that people receive the most appropriate treatment for their individual circumstances.
Recommendations include self-management and physical activity, addressing psychological barriers to recovery such as thoughts and emotions about pain, as well as tackling social obstacles, including work and home stress.
This blog was written by as a resource To find out more about the standard, view the expert panel discussion and download resources, visit: safetyandquality.gov.au/lowbackpain-ccs
This blog "2022 Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard" was written by Whole Health Osteopath Dr. Jess as an educational resource. To find out more about the standard, view the expert panel discussion and download resources, visit safetyandquality.gov.au/lowbackpain-ccs. Whole Health Osteopathy was established in 2017 and is located at 855 Plenty Road, South Morang, 3752.